This is our weekly column in which we share our favorites posts, articles and resources with our readers all from the previous week.

If you would like to be kept up to date with loads of fresh design news and resources, you can follow us on Twitter, on Facebook or even by subscribing to our RSS feed.

As always, if you have any cool links that you would like to share, coment this post. En este artículo compartimos nuestros post, artículos y recursos favoritos con nuestros lectores.

Si desea que se le mantenga al día con las cargas de diseño de noticias frescas y de los recursos, puede seguirnos en Twitter, en Facebook, o incluso mediante la suscripción a nuestro feed RSS.

Como siempre, si tiene alguna enlaces interesantes que te gustaría compartir, no dudes en compartirlo en los comentarios. Neste artigo compartimos os nosos post, artigos e recursos favoritos cos nosos lectores.

Se desexa que se lle manteña ao día coas cargas de deseño de noticias frescas e dos recursos, pode seguirnos en Twitter, en Facebook, ou mesmo mediante a subscrición ao noso feed RSS.

Como sempre, se ten algunhas ligazóns interesantes que che gustaría compartir, non dubides en compartilo nos comentarios.

Primary CSS

Primary CSS



Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

HTML5 Boilerplate – A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome

HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome

7 Reasons Why I Choose Fireworks Over Photoshop

7 Reasons Why I Choose Fireworks Over Photoshop

25 Useful Videos and Presentations for Designers

25 Useful Videos and Presentations for Designers

TinyBounce – 10K Apart

TinyBounce - 10K Apart

Lights Off – A puzzle game using the HTML5 canvas element

Lights Off - A puzzle game using the HTML5 canvas element

Designing Web Apps for the iPad

Designing Web Apps for the iPad

iPhone “slide to unlock” Text in WebKit/CSS3

iPhone “slide to unlock” Text in WebKit/CSS3

Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop

Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

Formation jQuery Plugin

Formation jQuery Plugin

20 Beautiful Websites Designed With Wix

20 Beautiful Websites Designed With Wix

How Your Brand Chooses Your Clients

How Your Brand Chooses Your Clients

How to Make Hitman in Adobe Illustrator

How to Make Hitman in Adobe Illustrator

Realistic Waterdrops Background in 3 Colors (.PSD included)

Realistic Waterdrops Background in 3 Colors (.PSD included)



500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

Imbalance WordPress Theme

Imbalance WordPress Theme


Primary CSS

Primary CSS



Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

HTML5 Boilerplate – A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome

HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome

7 Reasons Why I Choose Fireworks Over Photoshop

7 Reasons Why I Choose Fireworks Over Photoshop

25 Useful Videos and Presentations for Designers

25 Useful Videos and Presentations for Designers

TinyBounce – 10K Apart

TinyBounce - 10K Apart

Lights Off – A puzzle game using the HTML5 canvas element

Lights Off - A puzzle game using the HTML5 canvas element

Designing Web Apps for the iPad

Designing Web Apps for the iPad

iPhone “slide to unlock” Text in WebKit/CSS3

iPhone “slide to unlock” Text in WebKit/CSS3

Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop

Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

Formation jQuery Plugin

Formation jQuery Plugin

20 Beautiful Websites Designed With Wix

20 Beautiful Websites Designed With Wix

How Your Brand Chooses Your Clients

How Your Brand Chooses Your Clients

How to Make Hitman in Adobe Illustrator

How to Make Hitman in Adobe Illustrator

Realistic Waterdrops Background in 3 Colors (.PSD included)

Realistic Waterdrops Background in 3 Colors (.PSD included)



500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

Imbalance WordPress Theme

Imbalance WordPress Theme


Primary CSS

Primary CSS



Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

Animated Sprites with CSS3 Transitions

HTML5 Boilerplate – A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome

HTML5 Boilerplate - A rock-solid default for HTML5 awesome

7 Reasons Why I Choose Fireworks Over Photoshop

7 Reasons Why I Choose Fireworks Over Photoshop

25 Useful Videos and Presentations for Designers

25 Useful Videos and Presentations for Designers

TinyBounce – 10K Apart

TinyBounce - 10K Apart

Lights Off – A puzzle game using the HTML5 canvas element

Lights Off - A puzzle game using the HTML5 canvas element

Designing Web Apps for the iPad

Designing Web Apps for the iPad

iPhone “slide to unlock” Text in WebKit/CSS3

iPhone “slide to unlock” Text in WebKit/CSS3

Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop

Subtle CSS3 Typography that you’d Swear was Made in Photoshop

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Mobile

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

jQuery Custom Content Scroller

Formation jQuery Plugin

Formation jQuery Plugin

20 Beautiful Websites Designed With Wix

20 Beautiful Websites Designed With Wix

How Your Brand Chooses Your Clients

How Your Brand Chooses Your Clients

How to Make Hitman in Adobe Illustrator

How to Make Hitman in Adobe Illustrator

Realistic Waterdrops Background in 3 Colors (.PSD included)

Realistic Waterdrops Background in 3 Colors (.PSD included)



500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

500 Free Icons: WPZOOM Social Networking Icon Set

Imbalance WordPress Theme

Imbalance WordPress Theme
